Monday, December 29, 2014

America's Toothfairy

February is for love, right?

While we look forward to 2015 and keeping our New Year's Resolutions, we also look forward to February, which is a time of caring for loved ones and finding that special valentine whether it be a friend, spouse, or otherwise. This year, however, I want to challenge you to think differently. Your inner circle undoubtedly knows of your love, but what about the children in your community (yes, you) who are in need of the simplest of necessities, such as a toothbrush and toothpaste. Children aren't just miniature adults--they are being taught habits for the rest of their lives and are building a foundation, both physically and mentally, that will impact them and those around them for generations to come.  With love at heart, I want to give you three reasons to host a Smile Drive in partnership with America's Toothfairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation this February in honor of National Children's Dental Health Month:

1) Feel the holiday cheer all the way into February: Are you inspired by the enhanced cycle of giving? It isn't too late to go all in! By giving, you receive so much more. Imagine the feeling of collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste for children in need and then the smiles and happiness when you distribute them. Wow! I know that I am very excited for these moments. In giving, you receive so much more in the form of joy and feeling that there is good in this world. We are all experiencing tough times in a variety of forms, yet we can reignite excitement in the lives of ourselves and others by an act as simple as a Smile Drive through America’s ToothFairy!

2) Show children you care and be a mentor:  It only takes one moment to make an impression on someone, which is a fact we all know too well from embarrassing situations or accidental mix ups. Well, here is a chance to make an amazing first impression and impact a life! For a child who doesn't have a role-model or doesn't know how to make her smile shine brightly, your encounter can be enough to leave a lasting impression! Every child's situation is different, but especially for a child whose parents are struggling to work long hours and support a family, your time and care might be the needed attention and boost needed to encourage self care.  This is an impact waiting to happen!

3) Be a trend setter: Don't you just love starting a chain reaction and being in vogue? There is no better way to get this feeling than to encourage people to help others through leading by example. Do you want to see all children have access to the resources for a smile that helps them function in a healthy, confident manner? Ding ding ding! I have the answer for you. Try an option that will inspire those of all ages to follow in your footsteps by taking a few hours of your time to make a ripple that will help children grow into adults with strong teeth and people of all ages feel motivated to do the same--make a difference.

In a nation where we shouldn't have to worry about dental health resources, we do.

In a world with an immense capacity to love, we have the opportunity to show more.
It's true!

This year, join me in hosting a Smile Drive and help a child smile for a lifetime--be a catalyst for change.

Lauren Kuhn
Harvard School of Dental Medicine DMD Class of 2017
Miss Massachusetts, Top 5 Finalist at Miss America 2015

PS: If you needed more motivation to make an impact, check out America’s ToothFairy's incentives to host a Smile Drive, including letters of commendation and scholarships for those who make a big impact!

Test out this snack to ignite excitement for oral health!
  All you need are apples, peanut butter, and mini marshmallows! 
Of course, marshmallow fluff was invented in Massachusetts, so you could
use that too for a very smooth white smile between the red apple lips.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why Compete?

Hello Fellow Bay Staters!

Have you ever asked yourself, "What would possess someone to compete in Miss Massachusetts?" If so, you are in luck! The next Miss Massachusetts will be crowned in exactly SIX MONTHS and I wanted to give three quick reasons to consider competing and sharing the program with a friend!  With brevity in mind, here they are:

#1: Personal Growth: The maturity, interview skills, and self confidence gained through the Miss America Organization are unparalleled. Imagine performing a solo talent with all eyes on you and being asked controversial questions in front of a crowd. Was I nervous my first time competing? I don't deny it. However, the confidence I have gained has shaped my life in ways that those close to me are stunned by each day. When I walked into all of my dental school interviews, I came armed with a mentality that I could handle any question they asked and that I didn't need to know all the answers. Yes, that was calming. The Miss America Organization equips young women to handle any situation they find themselves in!

#2:  Scholarships: Yes, this is a clear perk. However, many people don't know that there are never any entry fees to compete for Miss America at the local, state, and national levels! Just this year, I earned $28,600 in scholarships to apply to my education at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. I think a hashtag is fitting: #Grateful

#3:  Friendships and Networking:  We have all heard that friends and connections are worth their weight in gold. It is true! After competing for Miss America, I received an email and a phone call from a former Miss America, which culminated in her connecting me to America's Toothfairy: The National Children's Oral Health Foundation for which I am now a spokesperson. Do you want to make an impact in your chosen field? Consider competing in the Miss America Organization--you might just be astonished by the caring and intelligent women that the program can connect you to!

I am fortunate to now have a friend in every state and to have friends studying abroad (with whom I might have slept on a couch or two while traveling).

Do you want to start your journey? Visit for more information!

Warm wishes during this chilly weather,

Lauren Kuhn
Miss Massachusetts 2014, 4th Runner-up to Miss America 2015
Harvard School of Dental Medicine DMD Class of 2017